The Healing Journey
Here at the Global Healing Society, we understand that the human condition plagues us with traumas both in this reality and maybe lifetimes before. We all carry anxieties, thoughts, depressions, physical ailments, and traumas that can hinder the human experience from being the truly incredible journey it’s meant to be. The Global Healing Society is on a mission to change that by creating a healing plan for each individual through The Guardians of the Chakras by joining their healer families.
About the art
The 18 female and 18 male Chakra Guardians were born from pure love, based on the 18 chakras of the body. They act as inspiration and hope for all of humanity.
As messengers of truth, their united mission is to spark our awareness of eternal oneness and light. With ethereal beauty and the potent energy of each corresponding energy center, their essence reaches into our senses to enliven and deepen our infinite knowing.
The Chakra Guardians come to us like muses for our souls. We might find them dancing in twilight skies, soaring on sweet summer winds, or swimming through the velvet layers of time. Their magnificence invites us to remember our inner power. Their radiance mirrors our radiance. Their wisdom kindles our own.
The Chakra Guardians took over a year to create and are hand-designed by our world-famous artist, Chelsea Evenstar. Each Chakra Guardian is a rare luxury collectible that has its own unique color combination and healing soundtrack, containing a blend of the 12 solfeggio music tones (scientifically proven to heal your body, mind, and soul), guided feminine and masculine meditations, and creative stories written by Christina Mercer.
Moved by the everlasting breath of life, the Chakra Guardians never cease in their heartfelt mission. As a way to expand their love and healing messages for the world, each male and female Chakra Guardian will guide an entire family of 336 Healers to assist them, 168 males and 168 females which will be hand-created by Chelsea Evenstar and fellow artist Regina Wamba.
They will be released over time for a grand total of 6048 Healers. These 18 families—each corresponding to their Guardian’s chosen Chakra—joyfully share their exquisite beauty and inspiration to help us reclaim our innate healing powers. By rejoining with the sound and light of truth within us all, we raise our vibrations and bask in the pureness and oneness of creation.

The Mission
The Global Healing Society brings to you a luxury collectible NFT project like no other. This collection of 18 male and 18 female uniquely crafted Chakra Guardians, each with a family of 336 Healers. This project was designed to harmonize one’s energetic centers and facilitate body, mind, and soul healing. When we work collectively to heal ourselves, we can heal the planet.
The male and female Chakra Guardians and their correlating Healer families are inspired by the energies of 18 different chakras. Each piece is paired with a soundtrack of healing tones (scientifically proven to heal DNA, heal trauma, and enhance emotional well-being). Guided meditations are provided for each chakra, infusing the listener with eternal truths and wisdom. Every Chakra Guardian and Chakra Healer in the collection radiates the power of universal love and harmony.
This extraordinary offering takes us far and beyond the typical NFT space into a sacred mission of self-empowerment. It is an offering of health and peace for the individual, the community, and the entire planet.
Join in this remarkable journey of unity and inspiration, and together we can lift the world.