From cosmic chaos into awareness, the Guardian of the Root Chakra arrived as a planetary mother, an eternal bearer and sustainer. With the drumming of life on earth, she stretched her arms across the lands, reaching over the mountains and valleys, under the vast waters, and finally into the dark places where we learned to make fire.
She reminds us of our own inner strength and firm foundations, our roots of survival, and our ability to shed fear and worry. Like a warm embrace, her message invites us to be our truest selves. To walk our paths without doubt or hesitation. We are fully grounded in support. Nurtured by every blade of grass and igneous stone. Every flowering meadow and moss-kissed forest. Sustenance and remedies blossom around us. Restoration is ours.
Her message is one of claiming our inner power. When we become compassionate warriors, we blaze through life with grace. No more doubt or hesitation in moving ahead. Only a firm resolve. Rooted in this evergreen wisdom, we can enjoy all of life’s abundance and continual creations.